Monday, March 25, 2013

save & load in CATIA v6?

Q. does anyone use catia v6? How do I save in v6?! the local save button is not available anytime, and with propagate button, i guess i save my work. but how do i open it again?!?
I've made a piston. not whole one. i made only the cylindrical part, aka yes, the piston. doesn't matter, (i named it klip, because I'm Croatian...) I propagated the representation and the product, restarted catia, and this shows
ok, (the rest of representations are failed attempts also) i double click on klip, and this shows a 3D model of a folder tree, it can't be more stupid, i clicked on everything, double click, triple click, and everything i click, absolutely nothing happens, if there is a button called "MURDER CATIA" I'd click it!!! It's just... i can't open files, and i saving can't be more stupid (propagate=save, right??).

this catia v6 i literately driving me insane!

please help me. how do i properly save and load/open files?
on v5 it was great. click here, click there, and you got it all

please help.

A. sorry i haven't worked with V6 , but thats funny how they made the tree, 3d!

What is the difference between CATIA Lite and CATIA V4/V5/V6?

A. The only difference between these devices is that Lite has smoother physical features and quicker working features whole V4/V5/V6 has regular components and features.

Good luck!

Finite Element Analysis and Simulation software.?
Q. Im a 2nd year mechanical engineering student. I have come across 3 FEA/FEM and simulation softwares, and I am sure there are more. The three i have come across are FEA workbench in catia v6, ansys 14 and abaqus. Im not sure which one to learn. I would like to learn a software that is useful in terms of functionality, and one that will benefit me the most in industry (ie whats most used in industry/ what employers are looking for). I will primarily be focusing on static analysis, but other functionality such as dynamic, electromagnetic, thermo, and various simulations are important as i want a complete software package to learn. Also if you recommend Ansys, can you please tell me whether to learn Ansys workbench, or Ansys mechanical ADPL, as ive heard the latter is more useful in functionality, but I am not too sure.

Furthermore, if you can provide me with some sites to help me learn the software you recommend, then that will be great.

Thank you in advance.

A. Of the three you listed, ANSYS and Abaqus are the most useful. Catia is only useful for CAD. which one you use is mostly dependent on your goal. ANSYS can pretty much do it all, but Abaqus is best for purely mechanical applications.

I personally recommend ANSYS. APDL is a programming language, not a separate software package. that being said, do not use workbench. it is too generic and not as powerful. you really need to learn the various ANSYS software packages separately like FLUENT and the other (sorry cant remember their names, I don't use them often..) packages for structural and multicomponent simulations. the good news is that they are all interrelated and you can export and import projects between them. here's the ANSYS support website ( which has tutorials and whatnot...

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