Saturday, May 4, 2013

employer taxes?

Q. help here please people,as an employer your suppose to match fica and medi-cad 7.65 percent,also futa at roughly 8 percent for employees.are there any others that i,m missing ,thanks

A. FUTA taxes are 6.2% for the first $7,000 in employee gross wages. If you pay state unemployment on a timely basis this percentage drops by up to 5.4%. State unemployment rates vary by state.

FICA taxes are 6.2% for social security and 1.45% for medicare for the employer.

You are also liable for any state taxes that are taken out of your employees checks, and workers compensation payments. Some states also have disability payments as well. Again, depends on the state.

how come i get less on my tax return that was deducted?
Q. my total amount deducted from cads w/h, ca w/h, ss tax, fed taz and medi w/h was 529.04 but it says my tax return is only gonna be 162. does anyone have any idea why im not getting the full 529? thanks to all the helpful answers :)

A. Well, because you actually have to pay taxes. Why do you think you would get. 100% refund. Even if you did, it would not include FICA and such.

Mccain The Big Freeze+free trade?
Q. is Mccain planing to put a freeze on unemployment benefits
social security benefits for older americans
Medi cad all science funding cures for diesases wil be frozen
also Mccain free trade idea = to Out sourcing ?

A. No......the freeze is holding the line on new and increased spending. It doesn't mean an end to benefits. Benefits will continue to be paid.

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