Friday, January 4, 2013

Why everything is expensive in Canada compared to the US?

Q. Even though CAD is higher than USD, few exmaples:
1 gallon of Milk costs 2USD and 5 CAD
1 gallon of gasoline costs 4USD and 6 CAD
A pack of 18 Eggs costs less than 2USD and more than 3CAD


As for the healthcare, I prefer the american system where the employers cover their employees.

A. Also the US has 10 times the population, which makes for cheaper production due to "economies of scale".

How to repair a Ni-Cad battery pack?
Q. I have don it before but forgot how to find the bad one. I have a battery pack that will not charge. I hooked the charger to it and found one battery that I had continunity through it without droping any voltage I think it's the one.I want to take a battery out of another bad pack and replace it. Is there any way of checking them, ( individually) with a Multimeter, or do I need to check like I did the other?

A. I would never try to repair a battery pack. Just buy a new one.

What is the best free 3D CAD Design Software for a mechanical student?
Q. What is the best free 3D CAD Design Software for a mechanical student to be installed and learned?

A. Actually "Autodesk Inventor" and "Solidworks2008" are the most best two and the most known, and easiest to use as well.

I use Autodesk Inventor v.11, it is very effecient, easy interface, and simple to draw and produce layouts .. etc. I 've learned Autodesk Inventor in only 2 weeks, and then I did so many projects with this software. it 's really nice and simple.

Students share this program (and many other programes) on torrents, you can download the free "torrent prgram" (2Mb) from and follow the instructions and you will find everything simple.

Then download the CAD progrma using the torrent file downloaded from any of the sharing websites.

Here are the links for the torrent files that will allow you to download the prog.

Autodesk Inventor :

Solid works :

Both programes have Tutorials and Help files, which is really simple and easy to learn from. and in short time. If you are new to torrents then you will probably need help, just messege me.

Good Luck

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