Thursday, May 16, 2013

How people invented irrational numbers?

Q. I wonder, how people invented the constant e which often called Euler's number or base of natural logrithm and e is also an irrational number.
For instance, I know pi which is ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter and it is also a constant and of course an irrational number.
And Golden mean is also a constant which is ratio of line to its larger segment is equal to ratio of the larger segment to its smaller segment. And you can Golden mean almost everywhere in the nature, i.e. your own body.

I would give the 10 points to whom, who explain it better.
Thanks for answering.

A. e first came about during John Napier's studies of logarithms, although the first calculations of it appear to have been in the work of Bernoulli:

lim (as n -> inf) of (1 + 1/n)^n

In fact, outside the sciences, the place where e most often occurs naturally is in the financial world.

When interest on an investment is compounded, we talk about the "compounding period": interest can be compounded annually, monthly, daily. The formulas for the change in value of an investment is:

A = P·(1 + r/n)^(nt)

where A = the final amount, P = the principal, r = the annual interest rate, n = the number of compounding periods per year, and t = the number of years.

When money is compounded annually, n = 1; when it's compounded monthly, n = 12; and when it's compounded daily, n = 365 (though sometimes banks use 360, to simplify calculations).

See how n is going up? So what happens if we compound every hour? every minute? every second? In fact, if we "compound continuously," then we're letting n approach infinity, and the function actually becomes

A = P·e^(rt)

There are a couple articles linked below that give more info. Hope that answers your question!

It is mathematically possible to calculate the area of a penis?
Q. It is not a rectangle or a cylinder. Using purely mathematical formulas, it is possible to calculate the area?

A. Hello :P

I suppose you mean areal surface area of the penis.

Imagining develop a penis on a plane, with "area of the penis" there refers to the area occupied by the development of the penis on the floor.

Suppose we develop an erect penis so as to prevent the variety that represents the surface is twisted around itself or other problems occur topological [in this case is really the development of an area].

From the mathematical point of life is a penis? We can assume that a subset Ω â IR ³ or a solid.

How can we describe this solid Ω which we calculate the surface area? Given the particularly bizarre form which unfortunately [or fortunately] is not attributable to any known primary function must use one or more functions that approximate the shape.

At the application layer after performing the steps trying to determine "the equation of the penis, or recourse to methods provided by the theory of functions tries to find a function or equation that best approximates the values obtained from the measures.

We hypothesize that the penis has a uniform cylindrical shape, at least for the trunk. Under this hypothesis, intersects the cylinder forming the trunk with a plan will get a circle of radius R. A better approximation can be obtained by considering an elliptical rather than circular cylinder with a director [eccentricity may be more or less pronounced].

We now give some definitions that will be useful later


We define the total length â of the penis the following size

â: = â â + â â


â â penis length is measured from the bottom to the base of the glans
â â is the length of the glans


We define the penis in this way

Ω: = Ω â U Ω â


Ω â: = ((x, y, z) â IR ³ x ² + y ² = R ², 0 ⤠z ⤠â â) is the trunk of the penis [R is the radius of the circle described previously]

Ω â = ((x, y, z) â IR ³ ...) is the glans

I left because of ellipses describe the glans from the mathematical point of view is a real problem.

As I mentioned previously, it is necessary to find the equation of a surface or a function that approximates the shape.

The first function that comes to mind is the Gauss bell function described by equation

Æ (x, y) = exp (- y ² - x ²)

or even the paraboloid of equation

Æ (x, y) = â â - y ² - x ²

If we use this second function to approximate the glans will

Ω â = ((x, y, z) â IR ³: â â ⤠z ⤠â â - y ² - x ²)

Now we have to do some 'healthy crafts.

Regarding the surface area of the trunk will

A_Ω â = 2ÏR â â

We now calculate the surface area of the glans by calculating the surface area underlying the paraboloid

Æ (x, y) = â â - y ² - x ²

To do this we will use a formula that represents the same two variables calcoalo of the length of a curve subtended a function of a variable.

In a variable length of a curve subtended a function Æ (x) is given by the following equation:

L: = INTEGRAL between α & β â (1 + Æ '(x)) dx

where α & β are the endpoints of the curve

In two variables underlying the surface area is a function Æ (x, y) given by the following equation:

A double integral over T = (â (1 + [â / â x [Æ (x, y)]] ² + [â / â y [Æ (x, y) dxdy )]]²)

where T is the set bounded by the edge of the area.

In our case we

T: = ((x, y) â IR ²: x ² + y ² ⤠â â)

Æ (x, y) = â â - y ² - x ²

â / â x [Æ (x, y)] = â / â x [â â - y ² - x ²] = - 2x

â / â y [Æ (x, y)] = â / â y [â â - y ² - x ²] = - 2y

and therefore

A_Ω â = double integral over T (â (1 + [â / â x [Æ (x, y)]] ² + [â / â y [Æ (x, y) dxdy = )]]²)

Double integral over T = (â (1 + (-2x) ² + (-2y) ²)) dxdy =

Double integral over T = (â (1 + 4x ² + 4y ²)) dxdy =

At this point we switch to polar coordinates to simplify the calculations

(X: = Ïcos (θ)
(Y = Ïsen (θ)

T: = ((Ï, θ) â IR ²: 0 â¤ Ï â¤ â (â â), 0 ⤠θ ⤠2Ï)

Recalling that by applying the generic change of coordinates

(X: = Ï (u, v)
(Y = Ï (u, v)

is called "Jacobian of transformation" for the following

J: = |. . . â / â u [Ï (u, v)]. . â / â v [Ï (u, v)]. . . |
. . . . |. . . â / â u [Ï (u, v)]. . â / â v [Ï (u, v)]. . . |

and recalling that by applying the above change of coordinates is the following relation

Double integral on T Æ (x, y) dxdy =

Double integral over T = Æ (Ï (Ï, θ), Ï (Ï, θ)) * det | J | dÏdθ

in our case we

(X = Ï (Ï, θ) = Ïcos (θ)
(Y = Ï (Ï, θ) = Ïsen (θ)

â / â θ [Ïcos (θ)] =-Ïsen (θ)

â / â Ï [Ïcos (θ)] = cos (θ)

â / â θ [Ïsen (θ)] = Ïcos (θ)

â / â Ï [Ïsen (θ)] = sin (θ)

J: = |. . . â / â u [Ï (Ï, θ)]. . â / â v [Ï (Ï, θ)]. . . |
. . . . |. . . â / â u [Ï (Ï, θ)]. . â / â v [Ï (Ï, θ)]. . . |

J = |. . . â / â Ï [Ïcos (θ)]. . â / â θ [Ïcos (θ)]. . |
. . . |. . . â / â Ï [Ïsen (θ)]. . â / â θ [Ïsen (θ)]. . |

J = |. . cos (θ). . -Ρsen (θ). . |
. . . |. . sin (θ). . . Ρcos (θ). . |

det | J | = Ïcos ² (θ) + Ïsen ² (θ) = Ï [cos ² (θ) + sen ² (θ)] = Ï

and therefore

Double integral over T = (â (1 + 4x ² + 4y ²)) dxdy =

Double integral over T = (â (1 + 4 (Ïcos (θ)) ² + 4 (Ïsen (θ)) ²)) = ÏdÏdθ

Double integral over T = (â (1 + 4Ï Â² cos ² (θ) + 4Ï sen ² ² (θ))) = ÏdÏdθ

Double integral over T = (â (1 + 4Ï Â² (cos ² (θ) + sen ² (θ)))) = ÏdÏdθ

Double integral over T = (â (1 + 4Ï Â²)) = ÏdÏdθ

= (INTEGRAL between 0 & 2Ï dθ) * (INTEGRAL between 0 & â (â â) (Ï â (1 + 4Ï Â²))) = dÏ

= ([Î] _calcolato between 0 & 2Ï) * ((1 / 12) â ((1 + 4Ï Â²)³)]_ calculated 0 & â (â â)) =

= (2Ï) * (1 / 12) [â ((1 + 4 (â (â â ))²)³) - â ((1 + 0) ³)] =

= (Π / 6) [â ((1 + 4 â â) ³) - 1]

We then discovered how good the surface area of the glans:

A_Ω â = (Ï / 6) [â ((1 + 4 â â) ³) - 1]

The total area of the surface of the penis will therefore be the sum of the surface area of the trunk and the surface area of the glans

A: = + A_Ω A_Ω â â = 2ÏR â â + (Ï / 6) [â ((1 + 4 â â) ³) - 1]

This final formula which we have just obtained or

A = 2ÏR â â + (Ï / 6) [â ((1 + 4 â â) ³) - 1]

is the formula to calculate the area of a penis

Now I do have a question: when do we go from theory to practice? : P

Please doublecheck my physics work on this problem?
Q. I think I got this one right, just want to doublecheck is all. Thanks in advance!

A plane is flying in a loop to simulate weightlessness for a brief instant. If the speed is 215m/s, what is the radius of the circle?

I have since v = sqrt rg where v is velocity, r is the radius, and g is gravity, that it comes out to (215^2)/9.98 = 4631.7635m

Did I do this correctly? If not, please explain what I did wrong and get me on the right track. Thanks!

A. If the formula is correct, your calculation is correct but you may consider taking the value of g as 9.8 m/sec^2 instead of 9.98

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Monday, May 13, 2013

How do you make Google SketchUp files viewable for people without SketchUp?

Q. I want to email a viewable 3D file (sketchup) to someone who is unwilling to download google sketchup. Is there an applet of some sort that I could use to post it? Or a file format that could read a 3D file?
I've taken screen shots, but I want to be able to send it as a viewable 3D file.

A. the only thing you can do is take a screenshot or you could try to save the file as a .jpg

Can I import ProDesktop Models into Google Sketchup?
Q. I prefer ProDesktop but the course will only accept Sketchup files, So wondering if i could import a model from prodesktop then save it as a sketchup file.

A. You may need to export the model as a .OBJ file (Wavefront Object) before importing it into any other 3D package. Most software supports .OBJ files in my experience.

How can I edit and manipulate google sketchup files?
Q. I want to use google sketchup to make a model of my neighborhood as detailed as I can. I want to even put the addresses of buildings and street signs, but I would like to do it using programming like python or c++. I like creating models in my spare time, but as my models are growing larger, I see more value in having certain things automatically placed so I can make sure they are uniform. Has anyone tried this before?

A. you should try photosculpt or

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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Can you take a photo of your home and alter things like paint color, furniture etc?

Q. I'm really interested in redesigning my space with wallpaper, paint and furniture before I go ahead and purchase these things. However, I'd love to be able to design it online sort of like those 3d designs they have on tv shows so I could get a feel of what it would look like. Anyone know of a site like that?

A. Greetings!

Several branded paint companies have "color tools" that help with selection.
Although I'm not endorsing one brand over the other I have offered a link to Sherwin Williams.
They offer a phone application to help with choosing paint colors.
Better Homes and Gardens has a similar application as do other name brand paint mfg. companies.

What is the best laptop for a online college student?
Q. I really am looking into the HP mini 110 by that artist with the 3d design and it seems like it would be simple enough for me just need internet and word. However I want to make sure that would be the best for me. I go to school on line and am a stay at home mom. So I want something small so I can go to my room and have some alone time when doing my work. Do you think this computer would be good for me?

A. Gateway $400

Intel Pentium Dual-Core

Trust me, if you are going to college, you would want something more powerful than a netbook.

How can i make a massive online multiplayer 3D game like runescape?
Q. how can i make a massive online multiplayer 3D game? i need something easy to use it can be online or it can be PC software i just want to create and put on the web.

A. if you would like to design MMORPGs i suggest you start by learning HTML, its a coding language that can be used to make web based applications, you can find a step by step learning guide for many coding languages at runescape is coded in jave, but youll need HTML, which is the building blocks of all net languages i know, to start you off (java's also on there).

you can also find "MMORPG creators" online. i have heard these reveiwd and i can tell you they are far from able to make something of runescaps calibre.

Im affraid to say however that your sights are a little high. runescape has a team of many hundred people working its offices. if you seriousley are aiming to start this career path i suggest you set the sight lower, start with less complicated games and good luck.

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Sunday, May 5, 2013

What software (s) are the best for beginner cad/cam hobbyist? ? ?

Q. I want to learn how to make simple 3d molds using 3d software, cad, cam software, and a cnc machine. Am just trying to figure out where to begin....What software Tools should I start with?

A. tools and software may depend on design product ,

Google Sketchup free version may be best to try and start with ,

SolidWorks - 3D CAD
Ascon Kompas 3d

5-axis CNC Software
Vectric Aspire
BobCAD Cam

NextEngine 3D Scanner
Handyscan Handheld 3D Scanners

What software (s) are the best for beginner cad/cam hobbyist? ?
Q. I want to learn how to make simple 3d molds using 3d software, cad, cam software, and a cnc machine. Am just trying to figure out where to begin....What software Tools should I start with?

A. For 3d modeling, Blender is awesome.

For cad, you might want to try TurboCad.
Not free, but much cheaper than AutoCad.
TurboCad also does 3d modeling, and Cam/cnc.

And for CNC try here:

What is the most commercial or common used design software?
Q. I've been wondering what are the most common software used in industry for CAD/CAM. I'm a college student trained in AutoCAD 09, Solid Works & Feature Cam, but the more i learn the more I realize that there are a lot of softwares. And since I am in college, this is a good way to support myself. And i just wanted to see what programs are the best to learn while i can so i can have more options

A. Depends on the industry. Best is to search job listings.

The most common by far is AutoCAD
Solidworks, Inventor, Pro Engineer, IDEAS, ANSYS, Unigraphics are all useful programs

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Saturday, May 4, 2013

employer taxes?

Q. help here please people,as an employer your suppose to match fica and medi-cad 7.65 percent,also futa at roughly 8 percent for employees.are there any others that i,m missing ,thanks

A. FUTA taxes are 6.2% for the first $7,000 in employee gross wages. If you pay state unemployment on a timely basis this percentage drops by up to 5.4%. State unemployment rates vary by state.

FICA taxes are 6.2% for social security and 1.45% for medicare for the employer.

You are also liable for any state taxes that are taken out of your employees checks, and workers compensation payments. Some states also have disability payments as well. Again, depends on the state.

how come i get less on my tax return that was deducted?
Q. my total amount deducted from cads w/h, ca w/h, ss tax, fed taz and medi w/h was 529.04 but it says my tax return is only gonna be 162. does anyone have any idea why im not getting the full 529? thanks to all the helpful answers :)

A. Well, because you actually have to pay taxes. Why do you think you would get. 100% refund. Even if you did, it would not include FICA and such.

Mccain The Big Freeze+free trade?
Q. is Mccain planing to put a freeze on unemployment benefits
social security benefits for older americans
Medi cad all science funding cures for diesases wil be frozen
also Mccain free trade idea = to Out sourcing ?

A. No......the freeze is holding the line on new and increased spending. It doesn't mean an end to benefits. Benefits will continue to be paid.

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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

How to rotate image in the direction of the camera in sketchup?

Q. In google sketchup if you download one of googles 2D 'people' into your model, and then you orbit around the object, it rotates in the direction of the camera. i want to do this to an image in my model, but how would i do this? i use sketchup pro 8 in windows 7

A. Just make the object a component and select (Always face the sun) option

How do you increas/decrease the power of a piston in sketchyphysics in google sketchup?
Q. How do you increas/decrease the power of a piston in sketchyphysics in google sketchup?
i've downloaded these cannons with really powerful pistons, and guns with really fast motors ALSO, when i make a hole in a cylinder, you can see through it, but the suface is still there? i'm trying to make a barrel, but nothing will go through

A. I don't think you can do that in sketchup.

How do you make Google SketchUp files viewable for people without SketchUp?
Q. I want to email a viewable 3D file (sketchup) to someone who is unwilling to download google sketchup. Is there an applet of some sort that I could use to post it? Or a file format that could read a 3D file?
I've taken screen shots, but I want to be able to send it as a viewable 3D file.

A. the only thing you can do is take a screenshot or you could try to save the file as a .jpg

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